The Sinking of the steam drifter "Reclaim"

As published recently in The Lowestoft Journal By Mark Boggis , Senior reporter It was a tragedy at sea that saw a steam drifter sunk following a collision with a vessel more than 200 times its size. The 40-ton herring drifter 'Reclaim' was heading to Kessingland when it was run down by a steamer. The collision happened on November 19, 1937, in what was reported at the time as "a thick fog." Reports from the time said the 9,300-ton steamer Hurunui, travelling from Australia, struck LT227 Reclaim midship and "she didn't stand a chance" after completely turning over she "went down almost immediately." With nine of the 10 crew members aboard the herring boat Reclaim not surviving, they will be remembered during a special ceremony this Saturday. A new memorial plaque will be unveiled on the South Pier in Lowestoft this weekend to mark the 85th anniversary of the loss of Reclaim. Commissi...