Heroes and Rebels in the Family Tree--George Burkin Murrell


George Burkin Murrell (1818-1870) was one of 7 children born to Jonathan Murrell (1776-1855) and Sarah Canham (1782-1848).  Jonathan was a Worstead Weaver and his wife Sarah was a glover, by trade. 

Jonathan and Sarah were married in Norwich, Norfolk, England between 1802-1805.  They are known to have had 7 children during their 40+ years of marriage.  Their children were: Hannah “Anna” born in Woodbridge, Suffolk, England in 1805; Sarah born in Norfolk in 1815; George Burkin born in Norwich, Norfolk, England in 1817; William born in Norwich in 1819; Mary Anne born in Norwich in 1820; James Canham born in Norwich in 1821; and Rose born in Norwich in 1824.

George Burkin married Sarah Basham on 26 Dec 1837 in Norwich.  George Burkin, began his career as a wool comber, but by 1861 he was working as cordwainer in the shoe industry and his wife Sarah was a weaver.  The transition in trades was most likely due to the loss of trades in the wool industry about this time period.  Fortunately, Norwich was experiencing a growth as a center for shoe manufacturing. 

George and Sarah had 6 children:

Eliza Murrell born September 1839 in Norwich.

Mary Ann Murrell, born in April 1841 in Norwich married John Smith in July 1857.  They had 8 children.

George William Murrell, born in March 1842 in Norwich.  George married Rachel Ann Daynes on 1 July 1867 and they had 10 children.

Jonathan Murrell, born 17 August 1849 in Norwich and died 8 January 1854 at the age of 4 years.


Sarah Murrell, born in 1852 in Norwich and died sometime in 1853.

Sarah Caroline Murrell, born in January 1855 in Norwich.  She married George Albert Mann in July 1874.  Sarah and George had 8 children.







William Murrell, brother of Geroge Burkin, was also a Publican and licensed victualler in 1871 having also transitioned in trades from being a wool comber and silk weaver in previous census reports.  In the latter part of his life, William Murrell worked at the Tiger Tavern at Fishergate.


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